WWE RAW Results (10/19/2015): Dallas, Texas

Renee Young Interviews Dean Ambrose

Backstage, Young interviewed Ambrose and brought up rumors that the Wyatt Family had something to do with Orton’s injury. Ambrose said it’s no rumor. He said he’s had it with this crap and he’s not waiting until Sunday. He said he wouldn’t let anyone stand in his way of getting to The Wyatt Family tonight.

Sasha Banks & Naomi vs. Nikki Bella & Alicia Fox

Cole acknowledged the recent “we want Sasha” chants. Sasha and Naomi were getting the better of Fox as the show went to break.

[Q4] [C] Nikki got the better of Naomi and footage was shown of her performing an Alabama Slam on her during the break. Nikki dominated Sasha and put her away with the Rack Attack.

Winners: Nikki Bella & Alicia Fox

In-Ring Segment: Shawn Michaels & Seth Rollins

[Q5] Shawn Michaels made his entrance. Unfortunately, he didn’t wear anything over the top enough to get under Vince McMahon’s skin. Michaels spoke about working in the first Hell in a Cell match with Undertaker. He said the amazing thing is that Taker is stepping foot inside HIAC 18 years later against Lesnar. HBK also hyped Roman Reigns having a chance to get his redemption against Bray Wyatt, and said he believes those two matches will tear the house down.

Seth Rollins’ music played and he headed to the ring. Rollins questioned what Michaels was doing. He said Shawn was told to introduce him. HBK said for twenty years they have given him instructions, but once he gets in the ring “poof, it’s gone.” He said he decided to come out and have fun and was doing so until Rollins showed up.

Rollins said the order came from Triple H. Rollins mocked the idea of HBK talking about the two HIAC matches when he should be talking about the guy everyone is calling Shawn Michaels Version II. Rollins said he’s better than the original. Michaels said if he had a nickel for every guy who was supposed to be the next him, he would be a millionaire.

Michaels said it never once occurred to him to be the second coming of anyone. He said he did so foolishly because he was busy becoming the greatest wrestler who ever lived. Rollins said he’s been a fan of Michaels his entire life, but he thinks he’s jealous of him. Rollins called for his music to be played, but it didn’t play.

Michaels said when you’re version two, they don’t play your music on cue. HBK informed Rollins that he had a match coming up next against Ryback, then called for his own music to play. HBK’s music played and he headed backstage while Rollins seethed… [C]

Non-Title Match
– Seth Rollins vs. Ryback

Ryback wore a pink and white singlet for breast cancer awareness month. Rollins performed an early suicide dive. Back inside the ring, Ryback used power moves including a spinebuster. Rollins caught Ryback with a kick to the ribs when they were tied up in the ropes and followed up with a Pedigree for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Cesaro, Neville & Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev, King Barrett & Sheamus

They cut to a commercial at 4:25 after Rusev knocked Neville off the apron and into the broadcast team’s table.

[Q8] Late in the match, Ziggler was hanging over the middle rope. Sheamus caught him with a Brogue Kick and then Barrett pinned him.

Winners: Rusev, King Barrett & Sheamus

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