AEW Collision live results: Sting, Darby Allin, Adam Copeland team up

A trios match with Sting, Darby Allin, and Adam Copeland will go down on Saturday’s Rampage.

The three will team together to take on Lance Archer and The Righteous, the latter of whom aligned themselves with Jake Roberts on last week’s Show. Sting, Allin, and Copleand will team ahead of next Saturday’s Full Gear, where they will take on Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne, the latter of whom will be in action Saturday taking on Dalton Castle.

Daniel Garcia, off his loss against MJF on this week’s Dynamite, will take on Andrade El Idolo. On last week’s Collision, Idolo said he would give CJ Perry an answer as to whether or not he’ll accept her as his new manager.

We’ll also hear from Hangman Page, who attacked Swerve Strickland on Wednesday’s Dynamite seeking revenge over Strickland’s invasion of his home several weeks ago.

Other matches announced include Roderick Strong taking on Darius Martin, Willow Nightingale against Julia Hart, and Rush & Dralistico teaming together to take on The WorkHorsemen.

Live coverage for Saturday’s show begins at 5 pm ET.


The pre-roll videos saw comments from both teams in the main event trios tag team match, La Faccion Ingobernable, Powerhouse Hobbs, Daniel Garcia, and Andrade El Idolo. Sir Elton John played us into the show, as Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were on the call. Kevin Kelly was “on assignment” for the week.

Andrade El Idolo (w/ CJ Perry) defeated Daniel Garcia

A quality opener here on Collision, as the Andrade/Perry pairing equaled success. An Andrade/Miro program has my interest. Meanwhile, Garcia chalked up another hard-fought loss here. I’m hoping he’s due for something substantial soon before the fans lose faith in him.

Andrade made his walk to the ring before being joined by CJ Perry, answering the question of whether he would accept her managerial services. Miro was seen watching from backstage. During the opening exchanges, it was announced that next week’s Collision would air on Friday night as part of a special three-hour block with Rampage.

Andrade caught Garcia with a low dropkick while they were running the ropes. Garcia came back after a scramble with a low dropkick of his own. Garcia elevated to the middle rope, but Andrade dropkicked him to the floor. Andrade set up the moonsault to the floor, but Garcia walked away before Andrade jumped.

Garcia ran around the ring to bait Andrade before eventually catching him with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip in the ropes. Garcia kneed Andrade off of the apron before turning his attention to Perry, doing his dance in her direction. Garcia caught Andrade with a rebound German suplex off the ropes as we went to commercial.

Garcia had Andrade ready for a superplex when we came back from commercial, but Andrade knocked him down with a headbutt. Garcia avoided another high cross body and caught Andrade in an ankle lock. Andrade rolled to his back and kicked his way free before landing a pair of Dragon Screws of his own. Andrade took Garcia down with a flying forearm before hitting the double knees in the corner for a nearfall.

Andrade went for a moonsault, but Garcia knocked him off of the ropes and went back to the ankle. Garcia hit a vertical suplex, but Andrade turned it into the Three Amigos. Garcia reversed the third amigo into a brainbuster for a nearfall. Andrade hit the double jump moonsault for a nearfall as the fans chanted This Is Awesome. They got into a strike exchange that ended with Andrade drilling Garcia with the back elbow. Andrade locked on the Figure Eight to score the submission win as Perry celebrated at ringside.

We got a recap of the mystery attack on The Acclaimed from Dynamite.

Nick Wayne (w/ Christian Cage & Luchasaurus) defeated Dalton Castle (w/ The Boys)

Interesting to see Castle back as a straight babyface after last week's questionable actions against The Acclaimed. AEW usually does a better job of keeping up and explaining things like that.

After an opening exchange, Castle caught a Wayne boot and hit a side suplex out of the corner. Castle gut-wrenched Wayne a couple of times before hitting a gutwrench suplex. Castle kept Wayne on the mat with slams before Wayne wiggled to the apron and rung up Castle’s neck on the ropes. Wayne hit a running European uppercut for a nearfall.

Castle fought out of a Wayne headlock before firing up with a back elbow and a lariat. Castle snatched Wayne up for a pair of suplexes while staring down Christian and the TNT Title. Wayne rolled out of the Bangarang and went for Wayne’s World, but Castle caught him with a German Suplex.

Luchasaurus went to interfere, but the Boys cut him off. Luchasaurus gave them both a chokeslam for their troubles. Cage took the referee’s attention, allowing Wayne to send Castle into the ring post before hitting Wayne’s World for the win.

Hangman Page was backstage. He was disappointed in what Swerve Strickland had chosen to do with his opportunities, cheating his way to a win at WrestleDream and entering Page’s home. Page announced that their rematch at Full Gear would be a Texas Death Match. Page told Swerve to cherish his moments while he could because he would drag Swerve to hell. But Page would be sure to take his son to piss on Swerve’s grave. A fiery promo from Page setting up a big-time match for Full Gear.

La Faccion Ingobernable (Dralistico & Rush) (w/ Presten Vance & Jose The Assistant) defeated The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

Dralistico had trouble with the Workhorsemen before getting the tag out to Rush, who lit Drake up with chops. Rush sent Henry to the floor as we went to a commercial. After the commercial, Rush feigned the Bull’s Horns on Drake before tagging him with a boot. Rush avoided a Henry double stomp before dropping Drake with a powerslam.

LFI hit a double-team on Drake before Rush went for the Bull’s Horns, but Henry dragged Rush out of the ring. The WorkHorsemen hit a double team on Dralistico for a nearfall before hitting a flurry on Dralistico in the corner. Rush swept Henry’s feet from under him on the apron as Dralistico avoided a Drake moonsault. LFI ran wild on both men before Rush ended proceedings with the Bull’s Horns on Drake.

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After the match, House of Black appeared on the screen. They had an issue with LFI, so Black had the idea of taking what LFI wanted so they would have to chase them. On behalf of Black, Brody King challenged Ricky Starks & Big Bill for the AEW World Tag Team Titles at Full Gear. Julia Hart was upset that Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue kept rejecting her “gift”, so Hart made a challenge. If she could beat Nightingale tonight, Kris Statlander would give her a rematch for the TBS Title at Full Gear.

(A busy segment with several developments for Full Gear. I think there will be more to the Tag Team Title match.)

Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale were backstage with Lexy Nair. As it turns out, Statlander will be defending her TBS Title in a three-way match at Full Gear. The two challengers will be the winners of the Julia Hart/Willow Nightingale match tonight, and the Skye Blue/Red Velvet match next week. Statlander awkwardly wished Nightingale luck.

(This story with Statlander, Nightingale, Blue, and Hart has been very clunky, mostly due to the anti-charisma that the babyfaces have with each other.)

Roderick Strong (w/ The Kingdom) defeated Darius Martin

Roderick Strong is one of the most consistently great wrestlers of all time, in my opinion. My hope is that we get more of Strong in the ring instead of more silly pre-tapes.

Strong rolled out in his wheelchair before powering his way into the ring. The fans chanted Neck Strong during the opening exchanges. Martin took Strong down with a dropkick. Martin hit a flurry of strikes in the corner before hitting a high crossbody for a nearfall. Strong took Martin’s knee out from under him before scoring with a backbreaker. Strong lit Martin up with chops before hitting another backbreaker. Strong hit the ten punches in the corner, but Martin fought back and sent Strong into the turnbuckle sternum-first. Martin ran into a dropkick from Strong for a nearfall.

Martin fired up on Strong, popping Strong with chops before hitting a run-up Pele Kick for a nearfall. Martin hit a bulldog into the ropes, but Strong drilled Martin with a jumping knee on his way back into the ring. Strong hit the Sick Kick and the End of Heartache to score the win. After the match, Bennett punched Martin low before The Kingdom hit the Hail Mary on Martin. Action Andretti ran off the Kingdom as they wheeled Strong away.

Tony Khan & Bryan Danielson were backstage. He talked about Danielson’s retirement tour before talking about how this year’s All In missed the presence of several of AEW’s top stars due to injury, including Danielson. Khan said that Danielson would be a part of All In 2024 before they plugged the on-sale date and pre-sale signups for Wembley.

Khan then announced the first-ever Continental Classic, a round-robin tournament featuring 12 of AEW’s top stars wrestling weekly. The tournament starts on November 22nd in Chicago, with the final television matches taking place on December 27th in Orlando, Florida. The tournament finals would take place at the Worlds End PPV on December 30th. Khan announced that, against all odds, Bryan Danielson would be cleared to participate in the Continental Classic. Danielson said that nothing would stop him from being in this tournament and making it the best wrestling tournament ever.

(Now this was an announcement worthy of hype! A G1-style tournament on AEW television sounds fantastic. A simple way of having great, meaningful matches on television every week. My excitement levels are high for the inaugural Continental Classic.)

TBS Title Qualifying Match: Julia Hart (w/ Brody King) defeated Willow Nightingale

Outside of the awkward spot near the end, this was a high-level TV match. Julia Hart has become a real-deal prospect in the women’s division, as her performances in longer matches have been exceptional.

Nightingale sent Hart into the corner and barked at King at ringside. Nightingale went for a cannonball before King pulled Hart out of the ring and barked back at her. Nightingale avoided a sneak attack and went back on the offensive, hitting a low crossbody for a nearfall. Nightingale locked on the Gory Special as Skye Blue watched from ringside. Nightingale wrenched Hart back, but Hart choked her way free. Nightingale cut off a headscissor attempt, dropping Hart with a sidewalk slam.

Hart rung up Nightingale on the ropes before dragging her to the floor. Nightingale suplexed Hart on the floor as we went to commercial. Nightingale took Hart down with a lariat as we came back from the commercial. Nightingale ran wild on Hart, hitting a main event spinebuster for a nearfall. Nightingale went for the Babe With The Powerbomb, but her arm was too weak to hit it. Hart ran wild in the corner, hitting a rabbit lariat to the back of the head.

Hart went for the Hartless submission, but Nightingale powered out before hitting the Pounce. Hart rolled to the floor and hid behind King, but Nightingale caught her and sent her into the steps. Hart avoided a cannonball into the stairs and set Nightingale up for a moonsault, but Nightingale took her down and hit a full nelson slam for a nearfall. Nightingale went for the Babe With The Powerbomb again, but Hart landed awkwardly on her butt. Hart ducked a lariat and hit another rabbit lariat before scoring the win with a moonsault.

Big Bill & Ricky Starks were backstage with Lexy Nair. They wanted nothing to do with any of the people challenging them for the titles, which was unfortunate because Lexy told them that FTR, LFI, and the House of Black would be challenging them for the titles at Full Gear. Starks complained about being the last one to know this before proclaiming that he and Big Bill would be the longest-reigning tag team champions ever.

Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Don Callis) defeated Titus Alexander

Paul Wight joined commentary for this match, previewing his participation in the Like A Dragon Street Fight this Wednesday on Dynamite. Hobbs clubbered on Alexander in the corner before talking trash to Wight. Hobbs hit the main event spinebuster before landing the World’s Strongest Slam for the win.

After the match, Don Callis & Kyle Fletcher joined Hobbs in the ring. Callis proclaimed his family to be the best in wrestling history, better than the Briscos, the Von Erichs, the Gagnes, and the Harts. He called Jericho a narcissist who called the last friend he had in Paul Wight. He knew Wight was a stand-up guy and would accept the offer but told Wight it wasn’t too late to get out of it. The three of them walked to the announce table before Callis called Wight a scared giant. Callis sent Hobbs to take Wight out before Wight stood up to face him. Callis and Fletcher held Hobbs back and bailed.

FTR was backstage with Lexy Nair. Wheeler had issues with LFI leaving them hanging, House of Black for getting in their business, and Starks and Bill for taking their titles. Harwood said that their road to their third AEW Tag Team Title reign started now.

Adam Copeland, Darby Allin & Sting defeated Lance Archer & The Righteous (w/Jake Roberts)

A fun, breezy main event with the good guys standing tall and staring down at their opponents for Full Gear. This episode of Collision was very busy filling out more of the Full Gear undercard, but it was effective in doing so.

Copeland started with Dutch and eventually took him down after a series of lariats. Allin and Vincent tagged in, as Schiavone noted that Allin’s persistent shoulder injury was to his A/C joint. Allin had a shoulder brace on, as Vincent took him down and tagged Archer. Allin escaped Archer and tagged Sting, who took the fight to all three men before sending Archer to the floor as we went to a commercial.

We came back to see Vincent biting Sting in the corner. The rudos hit a train of splashes on Sting in the corner. After a few minutes, Sting and Vincent butted heads, allowing Sting to tag in Allin. Allin brought the fight to all three of his opponents before Dutch clotheslined him out of a Code Red attempt. After a commercial break, Allin was still getting beat down as Archer flung him on a vertical suplex.

Allin fought back as Copeland saved Sting from an interfering Archer on the floor. Copeland made the tag and ran wild, sending all three rudos to the floor and hitting a suicide dive onto the pile. Copeland set up the spear on Vincent, but Archer hooked his boot. Allin hit the Coffin Drop to Archer on the floor, but Copeland ran into a Black Hole Slam from Dutch.

Sting fought off the Righteous before teaming up with Copeland to hit an elbow drop/Scorpion Death Drop combination. Sting sent Vincent into the corner and hit a Stinger Splash before Copeland hit the spear for the win. The announcers talked up how well these three worked together before the big trios street fight at Full Gear. Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne walked to the stage and stared them down as we went off the air.

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