102-Foot Monopole Proposed On State Land In Islip
WEST ISLIP, NY — Construction of a 102-foot monopole is being proposed to be built on state-owned land under the jurisdiction of the New York State Office on Route 27A, Crown Communications, the Town of Islip announced Monday.
The telecommunications company announced a “notice of community outreach meeting” in a notice sent to residents, which will be held in West Islip High School’s auditorium on Thursday, June 27, from 7 to 9 p.m., the letter says.
According to the notice:
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“Crown Communications “proposes and develops shared-use public safety and wireless telecommunications infrastructure on state lands to support collocation of governmental and commercial wireless telecommunications and improve basic and emergency communications in need of improved service.
“Recently, a service need has been identified within the Town of Islip. To address such need, Crown is proposing construction of a state-owned 102-foot monopole on state-owned land under the jurisdiction of the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) at the Robert Moses Causeway Northbound Access Ramp at Route 27A in the Town.
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“The top of the proposed monopole will be reserved to support antennas used by New York State police, fire and emergency services. This monopole would support the collocation of Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile antennas, as well as future commercial wireless and governmental collocators at lower levels, together with a fenced equipment compound at its base.
“In furtherance of preliminary evaluation of this proposal, Crown is hosting this meeting to gather public comment for OPRHP’s consideration during the project design and review process.”
In response to the town’s announcement, community members voiced their outrage and opposition on the town’s Facebook page with some residents stating they do not want the pole constructed.
Those opposing the tower cited health concerts and its proximity to schools and historical landmarks as their reasons for opposing construction.
Town of Islip officials and Crown Communication New York were not immediately available for comment.
This is a developing story.
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