WWE Main Event results: Candice LeRae vs. Tegan Nox

This past week’s WWE Main Event was taped at the MVP Arena in Albany, New York, before Monday’s Raw.

Dexter Lumis defeated Akira Tozawa (4:11)

As always, Tozawa and Lumis were good together with Lumis getting the win and a handshake.

Lumis is certainly due a storyline having worked Main Event a lot over the last few months. There is definitely a portion of the WWE Universe who likes him, but his character is confusing now, having gone from menacing to essentially quite comical.

Tozawa managed to get Lumis off his feet with a hurricanrana, but he then no sold some of his chops and stared him down. This is where working Main Event makes no sense. If he’s so dominant, why not give him a program on Raw?

Lumis used a delayed suplex which the crowd enjoyed before using a nerve rest hold to lead in to the hope spot for Tozawa who used a rana and running high knee before going up top.

Ultimately, Tozawa took too long as he went up top for his senton finisher and thus, Lumis got out of the way. He caught Tozawa on the charge, nailing him with a side slam for the win.

Lumis did his slithering gimmick after the bell and offered Tozawa a handshake, which was accepted.

Candice LeRae (w/ Nikki Cross) defeated Tegan Nox (7:12)

This was a little too long with too much heat, but Nox and LeRae worked well together.

Nox took most of this one with LeRae basically selling for most of it. With Cross cheerleading from the sidelines, it felt like a bigger pop when LeRae finally got her hand raised.

Before the break, Nox was in control as commentary focused on Cross. Her character is just a little bit too zany for my taste, but she does seem to be over with a certain segment of the crowd.

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They ended up on the apron and Nox used a flapjack on LeRae as they went to the break.

Cross never really featured in this one, other than Nox calling her a psycho from the ring. Alas, she was there in full ring gear and did absolutely nothing other than support LeRae from the outside.

In the end, LeRae came up off the top rope with a missile dropick and a moonsault off the second rope for the win. Cross hugged LaRae after the bell, but she didn’t seem too keen on the idea.

Final Thoughts:

These were two matches that were perfectly fine with the babyfaces going over. It had been better when they were giving NXT workers the chance to work against main roster talent, but Tozawa and Lumis are always entertaining together. The women’s match at the top of the show was fine, but focused way too much on Cross’ wackiness.

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