Turkey Microwave Challenge Causes Parents To Lose Their Minds
Some parents are wondering if the kids really are alright. Young adults are pranking their parents and grandparents in the lead up to the big Thanksgiving meal, asking how long they should microwave a 25-pound turkey. The answers are hilarious.
The challenge, known alternatively as the #TurkeyChallenge and the #25LBturkeychallenge on social media, is prompting some parents to question where they went wrong and if their kids are drunk or on drugs.
But take solace, moms and dads and anyone else who fell for this new gotcha challenge:
At least they’re not asking you if they should microwave Tide Pods before eating them, the challenge de jour about this time last year.
“R u drunk?” one parent asked, using social media shorthand. Another parent allowed that she — or he — didn’t know, but suggested the “turkey isn’t the only thing getting baked this Thanksgiving.”
One mom threatened to call police. And another mom either played along or doesn’t know much about roasting turkeys and suggested a 30-minute-or-so zap.
“Oh dear god, woman,” the prankster responded. “Were you literally going to let me microwave a turkey?!? I could have DIED.”
“Have I taught you nothing?” one dad responded. “I feel like a complete failure. Be sure to wrap it in tinfoil and ignore the fire alarm when it goes off.”
And this husband was definitely playing along:
“First you thaw the turkey, then you clean out the extra stuff inside and pat it dry. Put it in microwavable an. Apply butter to turkey skin and in between the skin and meat. Salt the turkey generously, remember all the crooks and crannies. Put turkey in microwave. Crank microwave to max power and cook for 30 minutes. When timer goes off, grab your coat and keys and leave your house. Get in the car and continue to drive and leave town because nobody wants to be friends with somebody who tried to microwave a turkey, satan.”
This was good, too:
“If you cut it up about 45 minutes, but then an additional 4 days on the toilet from the salmonella.”
See Also: Salmonella In Raw Turkey Kills 1, Sickens 164 In 35 States
“Just long enough to send someone to the ER,” another wrote.
Here are some others: