Triple H On NXT TakeOver: Portland Media Call: NXT vs. AEW Ratings Battle & More
Triple H took part in his usual NXT TakeOver media conference call on Wednesday, during which the WWE executive spoke at length about the “Wednesday Night Wars” head-to-head ratings and viewership battle between NXT On USA and AEW Dynamite.
Featured below is an excerpt from the call where “The Game” discusses this topic specifically.
“I think it’s all about the long game, and what we have to do is get to the people in the younger demos. When you’re promoted in younger demos and you’re viewed in those younger demos, proportionally, then those are the people that you attract. When you’re promoted in different demos… when you look at NXT on USA and you break down the numbers, it’s very similar to a RAW number, it’s very similar to a USA number, because that’s where we’re promoted, and that’s where we’re seen, and that’s where everything else goes. But the long game is building up the brand that you’ve built.”
“I think that, and people can make this argument, but I think what we’ve done is come in and proven the in-ring product from a hardcore, not a hardcore in the old sense, but in a passionate fan-base of bell-to-bell action standpoint, arguable that it is bell-to-bell, the equivalent or better than anybody.
“Now you start to do different things, you start to add in a bit more entertainment, you start to add in a bit more variety. You start to add in some other things. You have to establish it first. I view it no different than establishing a character within an individual show. So again, when I say it’s for the long game, that’s what it’s for. Now as you establish that brand, now you begin to promote it outside, now you begin to move outside those things. We’ll get those numbers and the demos where they need to be. I’m happy with where the show is, I’m happy with its trajectory right now, and you know, the plans are in place to continue to move it in the direction that we want it to go.”
NXT TakeOver: Portland is scheduled to emanate from the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon on Sunday, February 16th, and will stream live via the WWE Network.
Make sure to join us here THIS SUNDAY NIGHT at for LIVE NXT TakeOver: Portland Results from Oregon!
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(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.) Social Media Interaction* Follow Rajah head writer Matt Boone on Twitter @MattBoone1984
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