Special Needs Tot Has Magical Encounter With Mickey Mouse

ANAHEIM, CA — On a typical spring day, mother Eeka McLeod brings her three young children to Disneyland Resort, but this family is far from ordinary. McLeod is an adoptive single mother of three special-needs children: Ella, Eli and Evan. When you see them, you may witness a goofy, fun family moment – or at times, a moment of intense personal struggle.

This week, while waiting in line to visit Mickey Mouse, her daughter had a severe episode, and Mickey Mouse stepped in to calm Ella and spend some one-on-one time with her. It was nothing short of pure magic, McLeod told Patch.

She and her kids are Disneyland Annual Passholders. They’ve recently moved from Texas to Orange, Calif., and going to their favorite place whenever they choose is not something that mom takes for granted.

Eli, her oldest, has a limited life expectancy, she said. With severe cerebral palsy, fetal alcohol syndrome and vision impairment, she wants to ensure each moment of his life is magical. Taking them to Disneyland a few times a week is part of making that happen, she told us. But taking three special-needs kids to Disneyland alone is far from easy.

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Ella, McLeod’s youngest and only daughter, was heavily exposed to drugs before her birth. “She was neglected and abused for the first six weeks of her life and suffers a condition known as neuro-crying. She describes the condition as “going from content and smiling to shrill-crying and thrashing” in a finger-snap.

“My son Eli used to have the same neuro-crying but has grown out of it,” she told us.

Ella is still prone to the fits that draw stares and whispers from nearby parents, McLeod said.

“It’s never easy being looked at like you’re a bad mom,” she told us. “But it’s far worse to watch your child struggle and be incapable of easing their pain.”

This week, Ella had an “episode” when it was their turn in line to see Mickey. McLeod quickly explained to Mickey what was happening. Instead of being rushed through for the next family, the world slowed down.

Mickey got down to Ella’s level. He stopped, rubbed her back and nuzzled the baby girl with his nose, McLeod said.

“She had his undivided attention,” despite an endless line of anxious parents and kids waiting for their turn with him. “It was beautiful and magical all at once,” she shared on the Disney Fans & Annual Passholders Facebook page.

“I’m continually blown away by the love, gentleness, and one-on-one time these cast members show all children and especially disabled and special needs children,” she wrote. “I’m not sure this cast member will ever know just how much this moment meant to my daughter and me. These extra magical moments are more than just time and love. They are helping my children to heal.”

As for Mickey? Whoever you are, big guy, you have this mother’s enduring gratitude.

“Thank you for being more than an employee,” she told us to tell you. “Thank you for being a magical human being.”

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