Slew of women come forward with new allegations against Epstein: report

At least a dozen alleged victims of multimillionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein have come forward to lawyers in New York and Florida with new allegations of sexual abuse, a report said Thursday.

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The women, many of whom were underage at the time of the suspected abuse, have contacted New York attorney David Boies and Florida lawyers Jack Scarola and Brad Edwards, the Miami Herald reported.

“The people we are speaking to are underage victims in Florida and in New York. They are not individuals whose claims have previously been part of any law enforcement investigation,’’ Scarola told the newspaper.

News of the new allegations comes the same day it was revealed Epstein wants a judge to let him await trial for child sex trafficking in house arrest, rather than in federal lockup in lower Manhattan.

Lawyers for Epstein offered to put up his $77 million Upper East Side townhouse and his private jet as collateral in exchange for being allowed to stay home with a GPS ankle monitor, his attorneys said in a new Manhattan federal court filing.

Epstein’s attorneys noted that the indictment against him pertains to conduct that allegedly occurred between 2002 and 2005 — and that he is “no longer a danger to anyone” because prosecutors haven’t come forward with allegations of additional sex trafficking in the ensuing 14 years.

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