SAK-TC275T-64F200W Infineon Electronic Components
Texas Instrument Electronic Components belongs to 32-Bit Single-Chip Micocontroller.The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt, dIDD /dt or dIDDP3 /dt) is limited in the Start-up phase to a maximum of 50 mA/100 us.
All supplies, namely 5 V, 3.3 V & 1.3 V, are externally supplied. External supplies VEXT ,, VDDP3 & VDD may ramp-up or ramp-down independent of each other with regards to start, rise and fall time(s). PORST is active/asserted when either PORST (input) or PORST (output) is active/asserted.
SAK-TC275T-64F200W Infineon Electronic Components Features
Main product features
High Performance Microcontroller with three CPU cores
Lockstepped shadow cores for one TC1.6P and for TC1.6E
64-Channel DMA Controller with safe data transfer
Sophisticated interrupt system
Keyword: transistor electronics