Paved Paradise: Skokie's Sculpture Park Path Smoother Than Ever
SKOKIE, IL — Village staff recently completed five years of maintance work on the multi-use path at the Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, improving the surface of the path that running from Howard to Oakton streets.
Located just east of McCormick Boulevard, the path through the Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park runs from Touhy Avenue to Golf Road, offering users a scenic route connecting Lincolnwood and Chicago to the south with Evanston in the North.
With more than 60 sculptures on display, the path is a popular choice among joggers, cyclists, families and other users, featuring pathways, benches, parking lots and other amenities.
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The Skokie Village Board approved the project as part of its budget for the 2024 Fiscal Year, which included four miles of residential street paving but only a half-mile of bike path improvements, village staff announced.
Unlike the Lakefront Path in Chicago, Skokie’s north-south multi-use path does not include designated bike lanes. Although it includes two separated and mostly parallel paved paths running along either side of the sculpture installations, it does not set aside any space for pedestrians or for cyclists.
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The sculpture park was opened in 1988 through a collaboration between the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, which owns the land along the North Shore Channel, the village of Skokie and a group of private citizens who sought to display contemporary art there.
In addition to its support from the village, the sculpture park is also supported by a 501(c)(3) non-profit called Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park. According to its tax filings, it has about $285,000 in assets and collected more than $43,000 in contributions for the year ending last June.
Earlier: Construction On Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park Multi-Use Path Underway
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