JR on Triple H Hating CM Punk’s Look

Jim Ross On Triple H Hating CM Punk’s Look And His um… “Big Butt”
WWE Hall of Famer and AEW announcer Jim Ross spoke about Triple H’s thoughts on CM Punk during a recent episode of his “Grilling JR” podcast.
Ross, who believes Punk won’t return to pro wrestling in-ring action, had strong praise for Punk, and revealed that Triple H didn’t always think the same. Triple H apparently was not a fan of Punk’s physique and look, and had remarked on how Punk had a “big butt” and “looked soft.”
It was noted that Triple H hated Punk’s look, and that’s one of the reasons why he didn’t see Punk as championship material.
“I remember someone saying his ass was too big,” Ross said to co-host Conrad Thompson, who booked Punk as the top guest for his Starrcast III convention in Chicago this weekend.
Conrad then asked who made the comments on Punk’s rear end, and JR revealed it was the former Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
Ross responded, “Hunter! It’s all about the workout s–t, man. Or how he looked in an 8×10. He’s not gonna look the same because he’s not the same, and all you do is put out androids that look alike, then what the hell do ya got?”Click Here:

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