Joe and Jill Biden have made $15M since leaving White House

WASHINGTON – “Middle Class Joe” is now rolling in dough.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and wife, Jill, raked in more than $15.6 million in the two years since leaving the White House, according to newly released financial disclosure forms.

That’s a huge jump from 2016 when the Bidens’ income was just under $397,000 in the final year of the Obama administration.

Most of the financial windfall — $13.3 million – came from revenues from the Bidens’ two books and from speaking fees.

The 2020 presidential hopeful also earned $371,159 in 2017 and $405,368 in 2018 from the University of Pennsylvania for his role as the Benjamin Franklin presidential practice professor.

Jill Biden earned more than $90,000 in both 2017 and 2018 for working as a professor at Northern Virginia Community College.

The one-time senator has long fashioned his folksy political style by touting his middle-class roots in Scranton, Pa., and declaring he’s the “poorest man in congress.”

In his appeal to working class Americans, Biden often refers to himself as “Middle Class Joe.”

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Records show the Bidens’ bank accounts are now flush with cash. Excluding their retirement plans, they reported between $500,000 and $1.2 million in cash. Their two S-Corporations combined are worth between $1.5 million and $6 million.

Joe Biden is not alone in his newfound millionaire status. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who rails against greed and wealth, is also making more than $1 million thanks to book revenue.

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