Few 'Hiccups' With Lyons Township High Computers

LA GRANGE, IL – Since fall 2021, Lyons Township High School has assigned laptop computers to every student.

Asked about the frequency of “hiccups” with the Chromebook program, school official Scott Eggerding told school board members Monday, “Fewer than I thought there would be.”

Board member Jill Beda Daniels said she worried about families who may not be able to afford a Chromebook if students accidentally break them.

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“That could be a significant impact,” she said.

The replacement cost is $257, according to the school.

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Officials said the school has flexibility in helping students.

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“If it was malicious and intentional, they do have to pay for it,” said Eggerding, director of curriculum and instruction. “If it was not, they don’t.”

Officials said the breakage rate is between half and three-fourths that of peer school districts. The school said it chose to buy Chromebooks with touchscreens, which don’t break as easily.

“They actually have held up remarkably well,” Eggerding said. “We have had the periodic random catastrophic problem, but very rarely. We’ve been pretty pleased.”

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