Emmy Rossum Reveals What She ‘Actually Weighs’ to Help Fans to Look Beyond the Number on the Scale
Emmy Rossum isn’t defined by her weight.
On Wednesday, the 31-year-old actress asked her Instagram followers if they “want to know what I weigh?”
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She then said “Click on my stories. @i_weigh BECAUSE YOU AE SO MUCH MORE THAN A NUMBER,” tagging the I Weigh movement, which encourages women to feel confident despite what number appears on a scale.
“During my life the scale has told me that I’ve gained and lost and gained and lost,” Rossum began.
“Somewhere in the range of 20 pounds. But that piece of metal doesn’t really know,” Rossum continued. “Here’s what I ACTUALLY WEIGH.”
On the next story, Rossum shared a mirror selfie of herself in workout clothes with some of her best qualities written across it.
“3 best friends since kindergarten, drive, kindness, empathy, makes friends with strangers, Jewish and proud, Daughter, 100+ hours of television,” Rossum listed.
“The courage it takes everyday to overcome ptsd, one happy marriage, 3 episodes of television directed, countless hours of therapy, one finished screenplay, and animal rescuer,” Rossum added.
“See, when you add up everything you are??” Rossum wrote covering the words that describe her.
“The size of your thighs don’t really matter anymore do they?!” Rossum asked.
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“So join me in this. Show people what you are actually made of. Because you are so much more than a f—— number.”
Later in the day, Rossum again tried to urge her fans to follow her lead.
RELATED ARTICLE: Emmy Rossum and Stephanie Beatriz Call Out Kim Kardashian for Bragging About Weighing 119 Lbs.
“So I want to nominate everyone who saw this to do their own version of ‘I Weigh,’ tell us what you’re made of. Because you’re so much more than what that dumb f—— piece of metal says. Alright? OK? Gotta go to work bye.”
The I Weigh movement was originally started by Jameela Jamil, 32. The Good Place star created an Instagram page in hopes of providing a safe place for women who want to celebrate body positivity.