KFC Wants You To Name Your Newborn Harland

Kentucky Fried Chicken is apparently upset that the name of its founder, Harland, is on the decline. So the fast food chain is offering expectant parents an incentive to name their newborns Harland.

In a video advertising the promotion, KFC says all parents have to do is name their baby Harland. But only if the baby is born on Sept. 9, the day the original Harland or Colonel Sanders, as he’s better known, was born.

KFC says a baby, whose legal first name is Harland, born on Sept. 9 and who is entered into the contest could win $11,000 for college. The amount is a nod to KFC’s 11 herbs and spices.

Harland Sanders was born on Sept. 9, 1890. Even in the decade that he was born, Harland was not among the most popular baby names for males, according to the Social Security Administration. In a press release, KFC noted that Harland was ranked no. 3257 on the list of most common baby names in 2017.

KFC claims in its video that “old man names are cool again,” perhaps trying to give parents who may not want to inflict such a name on to their newborns some comfort.

“Even though vintage names are making a comeback, our iconic founder’s name was dwindling in popularity, and we couldn’t just stand idly by and let that happen,” Andrea Zahumensky, KFC’s U.S. chief marketing officer, said in a press release. “We hope that this birthday celebration honors the Colonel and encourages the next generation of people aspiring to live the American dream.”

The contest opens on Sept. 9 and parents can enter after their baby is born up until Oct. 9. In its official rules for the contest, KFC says one grand prize winner will be chosen on or about Oct. 10.

The contest entry form has a picture of a toddler bearing the likeness of Colonel Sanders, complete with a white goatee, mustache and thick black rimmed glasses. We’ll have to wait and see if there a number of baby Harlands, like the one of the poster, brought into the world on Sept. 9.

You can see the official rules here to see who is eligible to enter the contest.

Photo via KFC

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