Emmy Rossum Argues for Ditching the Scale: ‘It Doesn’t Determine Who You Are’
Emmy Rossum couldn’t care less about the number on the scale.
The Shameless star, who called out Kim Kardashian in August for bragging about her weight, wants people to stop putting their self-worth into what they see when they step on a scale.
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“I think it’s vital that we stop focusing on unimportant things, like a number, and start thinking of our real worth as what we’ve accomplished, as well as the things that make us unique and strong,” Rossum, 32, told SHAPE for their Jan/Feb issue. “Your appearance is just one part of you. It doesn’t determine who you are or what you’re capable of.”
The actress herself recently recommitted to focusing on what her body wants.
“Last year I did an overhaul. I started listening to my body about what exercise and food make me feel good and how much sleep I really need,” she said. “My relationship with exercise has always been a very healthy and committed one, mostly because it has helped me reduce stress and anxiety.”
Rossum adds: “As women, we should take up as much space creatively, emotionally, and spiritually as we want to, and no one should ever make us feel that we can’t,” she said. “We should own our uniqueness and be the healthiest, best version of ourselves we can be.”
Rossum frequently works to support women, and after the incident with Kardashian, she joined in on fellow TV star Jameela Jamil’s I Weigh movement, where people share the things that make them unique, rather than their weight. Rossum shared her “weight” as a person on her Instagram story in August.
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“During my life the scale has told me that I’ve gained and lost and gained and lost somewhere in the range of 20 pounds. But that piece of metal doesn’t really know,” she said.
“Here’s what I ACTUALLY WEIGH: three best friends since kindergarten, drive, kindness, empathy, makes friends with strangers, Jewish and proud, daughter, 100+ hours of television,” she listed. “The courage it takes every day to overcome PTSD, one happy marriage, three episodes of television directed, countless hours of therapy, one finished screenplay, and animal rescuer.”
Rossum pointed out how much more those things matter than a number on a scale.
“See, when you add up everything you are??” she said. “The size of your thighs don’t really matter anymore do they?!”