Liquid Infant Ibuprofen Recalled Due to a Possibility It Could Cause Permanent Kidney Damage
A voluntary recall for three liquid infant ibuprofens sold at Walmart, CVS and Family Dollar have been issued.
On Thursday, Tris Pharma Inc., a New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company, released a statement confirming three lots of Infants’ Ibuprofen Concentrated Oral Suspension, USP (NSAID) 50 mg per 1.25 mL — sold in 0.5 oz. bottles in stores — have been found to “potentially have higher concentrations of ibuprofen.”
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The liquid ibuprofen, which is intended to be used as a pain reliever and fever reducer, is sold under the names Family Wellness, Equate, and CVS Health.
The company also stated there is a “remote possibility” infants, who are more susceptible to a higher potency level of the drug, may be more vulnerable to permanent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-associated kidney injury.
Babies and young children may also experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Possible adverse effects include tinnitus, headache and gastrointestinal bleeding.
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Below is a list of each brand affected by this recall:
- Equate
- Infants’ Ibuprofen Concentrated Oral Suspension sold at Walmart, with expiration dates of February 2019, April 2019 and August 2019. Lot numbers: 00717009A, 00717015A, 00717024A. NDC number 49035-125-23
- CVS Health
- Infants’ Ibuprofen Concentrated Oral Suspension sold at CVS Pharmacy, with the expiration date of August 2019. Lot number: 00717024A. NDC number: 59779-925-23
- Family Wellness
- Infants’ Ibuprofen Concentrated Oral Suspension, with the expiration date of August 2019. Lot number: 00717024A. NDC number: 55319-250-23.
Also in the statement, Tris Pharma Inc. said it has yet to receive reports of children who were sickened by the recalled medicine.
Questions and concerns about the liquid infant ibuprofens can be addressed by Tris Customer Service at 732-940-0358 or emailed to [email protected].