AEW Full Gear live results: MJF vs. Jay White World title match

MJF vs. Jay White for AEW World Championship headlines tonight's Full Gear pay-per-view. 

White is undefeated in AEW singles competition, while MJF will look to extend his record title reign to 365 days after defeating Jon Moxley for the AEW World title in the main event of Full Gear 2022. 

Six more title matches are also set for the show. 

On the main card, Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida defends against Toni Storm, and International Champion Orange Cassidy defends against Jon Moxley. Kris Statlander defends the TBS title against Julia Hart & Skye Blue in a three-way, plus Ricky Starks & Big Bill defend the AEW Tag titles in a four-way ladder match against FTR, House of Black, & LFI. 

On the pre-show, MJF & Samoa Joe defend the ROH Tag Team titles against The Gunns, plus Eddie Kingston puts the ROH World title up against Jay Lethal. 

Sting, Darby Allin & Adam Copeland vs. Christian Cage, Luchasaurus & Nick Wayne is also set for the show. 

The Young Bucks take on Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho in a match where the winners get a Tag Team title shot, plus Jericho & Omega must disband The Golden Jets if they lose. 

Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland in a Texas Death match is also set for the main card. 

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Buddy Matthews rounds out the Zero Hour pre-show.


Zero Hour

Stokely Hathaway and The WrestleAunts, Renee Paquette & RJ City, welcome us to Zero Hour and run down the entire card before throwing it to multiple video packages.

Being a member of the ROH Board of Directors, Hathaway joins Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone on commentary before our opening contest.

Eddie Kingston defeated Jay Lethal (w/Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jeff & Karen Jarrett) to retain the ROH World Title

(The crowd was/is still filing in during this match, so it was quiet for a time, but picked up as the action did. Kingston got the crowd behind him and the finish showed that he still can count on a familiar friend to have his back. Stokely Hathaway’s quest to have Kingston lose the ROH Title will have to continue.)

Code of Honor is followed by both before Kingston lit up Lethal with corner strikes followed by a STO for one. A chop battle ensued until Lethal was sent outside, where he picked the leg and posted Kingston. Jarrett & Dutt got in their cheap shots, as the entire Lethal crew did a collective Fargo Strut. McGuinness said Hathaway has always had a chip on his shoulder due to his sister, Anne, which got a Le Miserables reference from Schiavone. That’s a sentence I wasn’t expecting I’d type as Lethal continued to keep Kingston grounded. Lethal continuous threw chops, as Kingston flipped him off and followed with an Exploder. Machine gun chops unleashed by Kingston, who hit a running corner boot, but Lethal countered an Exploder into Lethal Combination.

Lethal went up top, but took too long and Kingston got a close roll up for two. Lethal popped up first, hit an enzugiri and top rope elbow for a near fall. Kingston blocked Lethal Injection into a Saito Suplex and Uranage, signaled for the backfist and opted to clobber Dutt on the apron, who crashed onto Jarrett. Both Lethal & Kingston collided with a double lariat for the reset, as Karen Jarrett took the ref. Lethal & Kingston scurried for the guitar, as Ortiz appeared and grabbed it, delivering an El Kabong to Dutt. Kingston again countered Lethal Injection with a Half and Half suplex followed up with a spinning backfist to retain the title. Ortiz & Kingston stood tall, as Hathaway was furious on commentary.

Eddie Kingston briefly joined Renee Paquette & RJ City on the stage and welcomed everyone to the show before calling Hathaway a bald bitch, telling him to make a move.

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Buddy Matthews

(Exactly the kind of match you’d expect from both of these two in their first singles meeting against each other. Castagnoli showed off his power, while Matthews used his speed to offset the striking game for a while. I hope this is the start of more singles matches for Matthews, who has been very underutilized as a singles wrestler pretty much everywhere he’s been.)

Matthews rushed Castagnoli immediately, but suffered a series of uppercuts for his troubles. The match spilled outside, where Castagnoli whipped Matthews into the barricade. Matthews gained control and connected on a Meteora off the top back inside for two. Both men worked sleepers until a discus lariat from Castagnoli caused a double down. Castagnoli unleashed uppercuts and a big boot before Matthews fought out of a giant swing but not a pop up uppercut.

Matthews flipped out of a Ricola Bomb, but as Matthews came flying off the top for another Meteora, Castagnoli got a Giant Swing for two. Castagnoli wanted a superplex, but Matthews slipped out and hit Cheeky Nandos kicks before a powerbomb high stack and Jackhammer for two. Anvil elbow from Matthews, but Castagnoli powered up into a TKO. The Ricola Bomb connected, as Castagnoli transitioned into a Sharpshooter for the submission.

MJF & Samoa Joe defeated The Gunns (Austin & Colten) to retain the ROH Tag Team Titles

(The match was more storyline than anything else, as the biggest question now is, will MJF make it back after having his ankle shattered post match? If he somehow returns, he not only has to deal with Jay White, but also now owes Samoa Joe as well.)

Excalibur informs up Juice Robinson is out of action due to MJF’s attack last night on Collision, getting his head smashed with a TV. MJF didn’t want the help from Joe in the early going and it resulted in The Gunns controlling MJF for most of the start. Finally, MJF was able to make the hot tag and Joe ran wild with his Manhattan Drop, big boot, snap powerslam for two. Joe wanted a Muscle Buster, but MJF made a tag and wanted to do the move himself, which backfired. The Gunns tried 3:10 to Yuma, but MJF countered into a double DDT. MJF wanted the Kangaroo Kick, but Joe made the blind tag and instead, opted for trying a double Muscle Buster. The Gunns escaped, collided Joe into MJF and hit 3:10 to Yuma for two, as MJF pulled Colten outside.

MJF was sent into the steps as The Gunns tried their finisher on Joe again, when the music for Adam Cole hit to a huge ovation, as Cole came out on crutches. With The Gunns distracted, Joe sank in the Coquina Clutch on Colten and got the submission. Post match, Joe signaled that MJF owes him and left, as The Gunns attacked MJF, throwing a chair in the ring and Pillmanized the ankle of the AEW Champion. McGuinness on commentary said Cole is forced to watch, crying like a Bay-Bay, which I got a kick out of. Doctors checked on MJF and carted him out on a stretcher. MJF pleaded with Cole as he was loaded in the ambulance to not let them take his World Championship. Cole gave a long look, contemplating what to do as Zero Hour ended.

AEW Full Gear 2023

-Excalibur welcomes us alongside Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone, as they recap what just happened to MJF on Zero Hour.

Adam Copeland, Sting & Darby Allin (w/Ric Flair) defeated The Patriarchy (TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus & Nick Wayne)

(An action packed opener for the PPV, as the crowd was loudly into this from the jump. The heat on Allin built to Copeland wanting to ultimately get his hands on Cage, who bailed multiple times before it could happen. This story is just beginning between the two, so it’s no surprise Copeland has to wait to make Cage pay.)

Cage had a children’s choir sing his entrance theme, as after Ric Flair made his entrance, we got a spotlight on three bats, as Copeland has matching war paint along with Allin. The crowd sang loudly to Copeland’s theme after it stopped playing. We see shots of Ken Jeong from The Hangover & Community and also Steve-O, as McGuinness compared Copeland to a Jackass for turning his back on Cage, who gave Wayne a long hug before the bell.

Wayne got an immediate cheap shot on Allin to start, but Allin quickly recovered and went to work on the arm before tagging Sting. To the floor they went, as Sting chucked Wayne so hard into the barricade, Wayne almost flew into the front row. Sting threw Wayne to tag Cage, who jumped in, but quickly bailed once Copeland tagged in. Copeland ran into the clutches of Luchasaurus, but countered a choke slam into a leg sweep and neckbreaker. Allin tagged in and it was size vs. speed, with Luchasaurus winning that exchange after a Cage cheap shot that led to Allin being choke slammed onto the edge of the ring. Schiavone told us Allin is supposed to fly out tonight and climb Mount Everest tomorrow.

Cage picked up the pieces and kept Allin isolated with his teammates, as Wayne mocked a Flair strut and flipped off the Nature Boy. Wayne wanted a superplex, but Allin bit the hand and countered into an Avalanche Code Red for the double down. Cage snuck under the ring and pulled out the leg of Copeland, posting him, as Luchasaurus mowed down Sting, thus Allin crawling to no one in his corner. Cage missed a Spear and bonked heads with Allin for the reset, allowing Copeland to make the hot tag and Cage bailed, so he ran wild on Luchasaurus with an Impaler to the floor, where he pressed Wayne over the top onto Luchasaurus, who caught him, so Allin flew in with a somersault dive. Sting got in on the action as well, leaping over Flair and taking out Wayne & Luchasaurus.

Sting & Copeland back inside, hammering Luchasaurus and hit a Scorpion Death Elbow Drop combo. A delayed vertical suplex on Wayne, as Allin leapt for a cross body off the top. Luchasaurus back up to blindside Copeland with a lariat to the neck, as Flair & Cage got into it. Cage shoved him, so Flair got in a few shots before Cage hit a low blow. The referee tended to Flair, as Cage grabbed the TNT Title, but clocked Luchasaurus by mistake, causing Cage to run out of the arena. Copeland hit a Spear on Luchasaurus, as Allin followed with a Coffin Drop for the win. Post match, Allin grabbed the mic and hyped the crowd more for Sting's last match in LA, dropping a few F bombs in the process, as Sting was given the ring to soak it all in, which was a very cool moment.

-Tony Schiavone is on the stage with referee Bryce Remsburg before announcing The Gunns & Switchblade Jay White out with them. White stormed out with the AEW Title and yelled that he’s the champion before Schiavone told him to settle the hell down. Schiavone said unfortunately, MJF is injured and will be unable to defend the title tonight, so the main event has been cancelled. Schiavone was about to present the title to White when Adam Cole came out and said he made a promise to his best friend. He’s talked to Tony Khan and said tonight’s main event will be Jay White vs. Adam Cole. White said he’s taken Cole out before and he’ll do it again. I guess the match is official, which the main question is, why would Tony Khan allow a guy, who just had ankle surgery a few weeks ago, to wrestle?

Orange Cassidy (w/HOOK) defeated Jon Moxley (w/Wheeler Yuta) for the AEW International Title

(While I thought their main event at All Out was a better overall match, this was an excellent story with Cassidy finally being able to slay the dragon he’s been unable to conquer for so long. He had to throw everything to put Moxley down for three, as I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a rubber match in the future.)

Cassidy went straight at Moxley, who was there to just floor Cassidy, chucking him to the floor onto the announce desk. Moxley was relentless, as back inside, dropped Cassidy with a flipping suplex, daring Cassidy to fight back. Cassidy tried waking himself up, but ran right into a Black Hole Slam for two. Moxley raked the back and bit at the nose, before Cassidy returned the favor with raking & biting of his own. Cassidy hit about ten headbutts and busted open Moxley before delivering a superplex and diving DDT off the top before a tilt a whirl DDT for a one count, which Cassidy couldn’t believe. Commentary questioned the confidence of Cassidy going forward.

The little kicks picked up in intensity, as Cassidy flipped Moxley off and hit a dive to the floor, sending Moxley crashing into the announce table. After another one, crowd chanted for a third and Cassidy hit an elbow suicida, as back inside, Cassidy dove off the top and blocked Death Rider into a Stundog Millionaire. Moxley fought back with Anvil elbows, applied a Bulldog choke, which Cassidy escaped from, hitting a PK and locked in REDRUM. Moxley fell into the corner and ripped the buckle pad off before dropping Cassidy with a Cutter and Gotch Style Piledriver for two. Little kicks from Moxley woke up Cassidy, who side stepped a charge and Moxley ran into the buckle.

Moxley doesn’t know where he’s at, as Cassidy hit three Orange Punches with Moxley finally going down, but only for a second, as he popped right up and got rolled up for two. Cassidy unloaded thee more Orange Punches followed by Beach Break to get the pin. Post match, Claudio Castagnoli & Yuta helped Moxley, as Trent Beretta came to Cassidy’s aid with HOOK. The camera cut to the fans, as apparently Yuta bumped HOOK.

-Excalibur tells us Tony Khan has indeed made the main event official tonight with Jay White & Adam Cole for the AEW Title. We’re also informed via video package that Mark Briscoe is the third entrant in the Continental Classic, joining Bryan Danielson & Andrade El Idolo.

Timeless Toni Storm (w/Luther) defeated Hikaru Shida to win the AEW Women’s Title

(It took the crowd a little bit to get into this, but once they did, they were in it for the rest of the match. Storm absolutely had to win the title here, as Shida has unfortunately had her title reign cut short as a result. I’m anxious to seeing what they do next now that Storm has become a three time Women’s Champion.)

Luther presented Storm with a script, but she tore it up herself and opted for an opening slugfest. Storm’s chest is beat red thanks to her match with Emi Sakura last night on Rampage. Shida trapped Storm between the ropes and unleashed chops as Mariah May was watching backstage, horrified. McGuinness is making Buster Keaton references on commentary and it left Taz speechless. Storm finally mounted a comeback with a series of chop variations until a running bulldog followed it up. Storm connected on the prolonged wind up forearm before we again see May backstage, admiring her hero.

Both ladies missed clothesline until Shida connected on a running high knee, ten corner punches and missile dropkick for two. Shida took too long to follow up and Storm chucked Shida off the ropes before consulting with Luther, who placed a shoe in the trunks. Referee Aubrey saw one shoe, but not the other, as Storm decked Shida for a close two. Storm Zero was countered into Strong Zero by Shida, who was relentless and violent with her strikes. Question mark kick and Falcon Arrow hit for Shida, who did the deal, but only managed two.

Shida missed a Meteora and came up short, clutching her leg, as Storm rolled through another Falcon Arrow into an Ankle Lock. Storm ripped the shoe off Shida, who hit Storm with a forearm and the shoe went flying, nearly hitting Taz. Shida grabbed the kendo stick, but Luther took it away, resulting in Shida kicking him low and dishing out kendo stick shots. Storm meanwhile, grabbed Luther’s tray he brought ringside, hit it in her trunks and hit a stalling German suplex. Storm ran to the corner, had to readjust where the weapon was in her trunks and hit Sweet Cheek Music for the win and the title, as I have no idea how referee Aubrey didn’t see the tray, but regardless, Storm regains the title and it was the right call.

Mariah May walked out to give Storm her flowers, literally, as the crowd cheered loudly for Storm, who skipped around with the AEW Women’s Title as McGuinness fought back tears on commentary.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with Eddie Kingston, who congratulates him on his momentum and asks him what’s next? Kingston said she knows what’s next, the Continental Classic, a tournament they are going to make the most prestigious. Kingston said he wanted to up the ante and said he’s putting his ROH World Title and NJPW Strong Titles on the line every time he wrestles, so the winner of this tournament will be a Triple Crown winner, as they will win the Continental Championship as well.

Ricky Starks & Big Bill defeated FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood), Kings of the Black Throne (Malakai Black & Brody King) & La Faccion Ingobernable (Rush & Dralistico w/Preston Vance & Jose the Assistant) in a Ladder Match to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles

(This was a fantastic ladder match with everyone getting their time to shine and having their moments. The most violent of which was the Gonzo Bomb that Brody King hit on Dralistico onto a ladder bridge. Everyone did an excellent job in this one.)

The shot of Starks doing his entrance pose while standing on a massive ladder was a pretty great visual. Everyone started to brawl immediately except Bill & King, who had a face off, but were cut off before going at it. King made a ladder bridge right away, as Harwood & Starks had a tug of war with a ladder before Harwood had it smashed in his face by Black. Rush & Wheeler climbed a ladder simultaneously, but slowly walked down and opted to slug it out. Wheeler speared Rush through the ropes onto Bill & King, leaving Dralistico alone, as he took out the pile with a dive of his own. Starks teased a dive, but was cut off by Black, who did a moonsault to the floor. Harwood stepped in with Starks and did the superplex spot onto everyone outside.

King & Bill have another face off, but no one is left to stop them and they duke it out to the chants of Meat by the crowd. Both didn’t notice Harwood & Rush, who sandwiched them with ladders. Harwood put a ladder over his head and took out everyone that moved before Dralistico cut him off with a dropkick and Excalibur said his advice is not to have your head guillotined between a ladder, which is a brutal clip of his if you’ve never seen it. Rush hit the fake out kick to Wheeler before doing the LIJ pose for the crowd, giving Wheeler enough time to hit a snap powerslam and go for the titles. Black took out the knee and slingshot a ladder into the face of a charging Wheeler in a really cool spot.

Black propped a ladder up in the corner, as Harwood tried saving his partner, but King leveled him with brutal chops. Wheeler hit a low blow on Black and hit a piledriver off the second rope onto the ladder to deserving Holy Sh*t chants. King tried a dive to the floor on Bill, who met him with a ladder to the face, busting him open. Starks started running wild with Spears and Tornado DDT before doing his rope walk, taking out both of FTR. Black charged, but Starks hit an overhead suplex onto the ladder, but King was there to crunch him in the corner and toss Harwood into the ladder as well, following up with a cannonball.

King took too long climbing the ladder and was tossed back by Bill, crashing into the ladder. Dralistico flew in with a lungblower, but leapt into a chokeslam. Rush sandwiched Bill in the corner with a ladder and hit Bulls Horns. Rush also took too long, as everyone set up ladders and climbed with King laying everyone out except Dralistico, who planted Black with a Poison Rana. King cut off Dralistico, walked the ladder and hit an insane Gonzo Bomb in the wildest moment of the match. With King draped on the ladder, Wheeler opted to do a splash on King instead of going for the titles with Harwood, who was left alone until Starks joined. Harwood was laid out with The End by Black, as Starks was going to fall back, but Bill saved him, allowing Starks to deck Wheeler with the title belt and retain the gold.

Julia Hart defeated Kris Statlander & Skye Blue to win the TBS Title

(The crowd really got into the second half of this match, as all three ladies did a great job drawing the fans into it. The story was simple here with Statlander having the power game in her favor, so Blue & Hart had to work on the same page at times before Hart picked the right moment to capitalize and win her first singles gold in AEW.)

Blue has new entrance music and threw away the baseball hat she’s worn prior to every match, as Excalibur said this was the metamorphosis. Bell rang and everyone just stood there before Statlander used her power to take out both challengers. With Hart in the Tree of Woe, Blue got a roll up on Statlander, who kicked out and sent Blue face to face with Hart. The numbers became too much for Statlander, who was sent outside and dropped with a somersault senton from Hart and hurricanrana off the apron by Blue. Statlander ate dueling thrust kicks in the ring as Blue & Hart had a long stare down. Blue offered a handshake, as Hart smiled, accepted, but dropped Blue with a forearm. Blue battled back with a full mount and PK for two before Statlander reappeared and used her power once more. Everyone took turns laying each other out for a triple down reset.

Hart recovered first and took Statlander off her feet with a stiff lariat, but Blue caught Hart in the corner with a Cheeky Nandos kick, only to be met with a discus lariat from Statlander. Blue avoided a powerbomb, looked for a victory roll, but Statlander just dropped her on her face. Statlander wanted a 450 on the top, but Hart sent her crashing to the floor and delivered a moonsault on Blue for two, as Statlander saved and dropped Hart with a snap powerslam on the floor. Blue came charging in wildly with a boot and hit a spin kick, countered Saturday Night Fever into a rollup followed by a great looking roll through Code Blue for a close near fall.

Blue went for a proper Code Blue, but Hart hit a thrust kick mid move, laid out Statlander with a lariat and sank on Hartless on Blue. Statlander made the save with multiple gut wrench Germans and hit Saturday Night Fever on Blue, but Hart broke up the count, tossed Statlander aside and stole the pin and the title.

Will Ospreay is All Elite

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brought up the latest blockbuster signing to the AEW roster. Will Ospreay comes out to a massive ovation and officially signs his AEW contract. Ospreay said he’s happy to be part of the team, but said a little bad news first, that he’s not coming in just yet, as he begs the crowd to let him finish up with New Japan Pro Wrestling. Then, it can be the Road to Revolution, as he is All Elite. Ospreay asked Tony Khan to line up the best he’s got, especially for Wembley Stadium, as he’s going to show everyone what Elite really looks like.

Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) defeated Hangman Adam Page in a Texas Death Match

(One of the most violent matches in AEW history, as these two gave everything they had. As I wrote in the recap, it included one of the grossest visuals I’ve ever seen and never want to see it again on AEW, that being when Page essentially became a vampire with Strickland’s blood. I can’t believe that was early in the match, as it only got more violent from there. I’m surprised Strickland came out on top here, but with his biggest win in AEW to date, they need to capitalize on that momentum going forward.)

Nana has four backup dancers to do his dance on the stage during Strickland’s entrance. Page didn’t even wait for his music, as he sprinted to the ring and shot a double leg on Strickland, connecting on a Buckshot Lariat within seconds. You can only win by making your opponent not answer the 10 count, as Page pulled out duct tape and staple gun. Page taped the hands of Strickland together and stapled his chest multiple times, including stapling the ring attendants rundown sheet onto Strickland’s arm. Page decked Strickland in the head with the edge of a chair, as a busted open Strickland is up. Page took one of his son’s finger paintings and stapled it to the face of Strickland before ripping it out. In one of the grossest visuals I’ve ever seen in my life as a wrestling fan, Page laid under Strickland, whose blood dripped into his mouth.

Page grabbed a barbed wire chair and was about to do a home run swing when Strickland got a low blow and Nana cut Strickland free from being taped. Page stapled the chest of Strickland again, only this time, Strickland no sold repeatedly and stapled Page between the eyes. Strickland started laughing and stapled himself before tossing the staple gun out and apparently Excalibur caught it, which impressed Taz. Strickland set up the barbed wire chair in the corner and drove Page into it, as you guessed it; Page is bleeding as well. Strickland pulled out a cinderblock on the edge of the apron. Strickland bit at the head of Page and delivered a Death Valley Driver onto the block.

Page beat the count, as both men fought standing on top of the guard rail before Strickland connected on a piledriver on the railing, spiking Page. Strickland is bleeding buckets, as is Page now, bleeding worse than before. Both men met in the middle of the ring, as Page connected on a fall away slam, but couldn’t kip up like he usually would, as Page grabbed a strand of barbed wire and raked it over the face of Strickland before wrapping him up in it and hit another fall away slam. With the barbed wire chair in hand, Page hit a moonsault off the top to the floor. Nana runs distraction long enough for Strickland to counter a Buckshot into a JML Driver attempt, but rolled through and booted the barbed wire chair into Page’s face.

Strickland wanted a Tombstone on the chair, but Page floated through and hit one of his own. Strickland broke the count at 9, so Page leveled him with the chair to the back. Page wanted an Avalanche Dead Eye, but Strickland got free and hit a barbed wire chair shot, with a strand catching Page right in the face. Strickland hit a sitout powerbomb onto the chair and Swerve Stomp follow up. Strickland kicked aside the chair and opted for a bag of broken glass, which he dumped on the back of Page before delivering a 450 splash onto him, which was followed by a JML Driver.

Page miraculously beat the count and Strickland charged with both men spilling outside. Nana pulled out a barbed wire board, as Strickland placed the board between two chairs in the ring. Strickland wanted an Avalanche JML Driver, but Page bit free and hit an Avalanche Fall Away Slam and powerbomb stack before finally Dead Eye onto the wire board. Page wrapped barbed wire around the face of Strickland and delivered a Buckshot as Strickland, but again, Nana pulled Strickland to the floor to break the count.

Brian Cage appeared and laid out Page with a buckle bomb and F5 before setting up a table ringside. Cage tried a powerbomb, but Page raked the barbed wire into the face of Cage and hit multiple rolling elbows. Nana jumped in and Page immediately grabbed the dancing Nana and hit a Dead Eye through the ringside table. Strickland appeared behind Page and shattered a cinderblock to the back of the neck. Strickland wrapped a chain around Page’s neck, literally hanging the Hangman before letting go and Page couldn’t answer the 10 count.

The Golden Jets (Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho) defeated The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

(The crowd was simply exhausted following the previous match, but they really got into the second half of this. Once this picked up, this turned into a fun one. With this win, The Golden Jets officially have the AEW Tag Team Title shot that The Bucks won a few months back.)

Don Callis joined commentary for this one, as Omega shook The Bucks hands before having an evenly back and forth with Nick to start, showing sportsmanship on the stalemate. Jericho & Matt tagged in, Jericho wanted to swarm with chops, but Omega made the tag and allowed Matt to walk free. Matt suckered Omega into a test of strength and put the boots to him, but Omega responded by sending The Bucks outside. Terminator Dive connected only on Matt, as Nick was caught with a Jericho springboard dropkick. Matt caught Jericho and trapped his arm between the steps, smashing it between them.

The Bucks worked over the arm of Jericho until Jericho could fight back and make the hot tag to Omega, who ran wild on The Bucks, hitting You Can’t Escape on Matt into a lungblower on Nick before following up with a moonsault to the floor. Jericho’s arm is bleeding from being smashed between the steps earlier, as Matt wanted the Walls of Jericho, but got cradled for two. Matt ducked a Jericho charge and he collided with Omega, but Jericho fought back with a Walls of Jericho.

Nick wanted a springboard, but Omega pulled the legs out from under him, as Jericho let go of the submission due to the bad arm. Matt kicked free and slugged it out with Jericho, who leapt off the top and was caught, as Matt hit a double Northern Lights on Jericho & Omega. Nick connected on a German suplex on the apron onto Omega, as The Bucks hit an assisted senton for two. Jericho cut off Matt in the ropes and hit a hurricanrana, but with referee Aubrey’s attention turned, Nick appeared and hit a low blow. Omega was furious, as he turned around right into a Matt low kick.

Nick hit a Judas Effect on Jericho, but Omega broke up the count. Nick laid out Omega with a dive outside, as The Bucks wanted BTE Trigger and were booed from the crowd as they hit it, but Jericho kicked out. Jericho blocked a superkick and had The Bucks do 15% until Jericho got a low blow of his own on Nick. Omega was left in the middle of the ring and had to choose between who to V-Trigger, ultimately opting for Nick before firing off multiple Snap Dragons on Matt. Nick countered One Winged Angel into a Poison Rana and hit a One Winged Angel of his own, but Omega kicked out. Jericho hit a Code Breaker on Nick, as Matt was dropped with Croyt’s Wrath for two. Superkick Party finally dropped Jericho, but Omega hit a ripcord V-Trigger and One Winged Angel on Matt to win it. Nick through a fit ringside post match and pulled Matt away from Omega, who wanted a handshake as they continued their tantrum outside.

MJF (w/Adam Cole) defeated Switchblade Jay White (w/The Gunns) for the AEW World Title

(I must admit, I feared this would be a storyline heavy match with a lot of bells and whistles, but thankfully it wasn’t. What it was, was a fantastic main event, with MJF selling his ass off with that injury, all while White played the heel perfectly. I really enjoyed they got The Gunns out of there early on, as Cole cheering on his best friend was all that was needed ringside. This was another huge title defense for MJF, who continues having an incredible title reign, which is now at one year.)

Adam Cole walked out on crutches, one sneaker and a walking boot. McGuinness popped Taz and said this should be a Last Man Standing match. Before the bell starts the match, an ambulance driven by MJF arrives at the arena. MJF hobbles out with his hamstring taped up (which, I thought his ankle was Pillmanized earlier tonight, but ok), as security and officials try to stop him from coming to the ring. MJF got in the ring and our original title match is on, as MJF slapped White, but crumbled. White picked apart the leg, delivering a suplex into the corner before tossing MJF to the floor, where The Gunns pounced. MJF briefly fought them off, but the numbers were too much. The third time they tried to attack, referee Bryce caught and ejected both Ass Boys.

White mocked Cole, as MJF fired up with a series of strikes before hitting a bodyslam. MJF hit nine corner punches and bit at the head of White before signaling for the Kangaroo Kick, which connected, sending White outside. Cole called for a suicide dive and his brochacho went for it, as White snuck in and dropkicked out the leg for two. Thunderous chops by White, who whipped MJF out of the corner and MJF collapsed. MJF responded with a great mule kick out of the corner, but the leg collapsed on a Panama Sunrise attempt, as White hit a Uranage for two. Excalibur questions if the presence of Cole ringside is distracting MJF.

White back dropped MJF over the top to the floor and fired off a chop that echoed through the Forum. MJF answered with an eye rake and DDT before clearing off the announce table. Right as Excalibur talked about it sustaining so much tonight, MJF placed White on the table and it immediately collapsed. Regardless, MJF still went to the top and hit a massive elbow drop to the floor. MJF opted to bring White back to the ring before taking a countout loss, but White met MJF with a Dragon Screw through the ropes. White tore off the bandage while MJF was in the Tree of Woe, but MJF powered up and suplexed White to the mat.

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White recovered first and hit an Avalanche Uranage that dropped MJF right on his shoulder, but MJF kicked out. More chops from White, as MJF screamed for more, so each traded eye pokes until MJF hit a discus elbow, but ran into a Flatliner and release German from White. MJF spun out of Blade Runner, as both traded near falls by cheating until MJF hit a desperation Tombstone that spiked White on his head. The double stomp off the top to the arm hit, but White avoided Heat Seeker. Out of nowhere, MJF sprinted at White on the apron and hit a diving Cutter that cleared the top to the floor, getting a two count back inside.

MJF exposed the bad knee to get some feeling back into it, but collapsed multiple times, leading to the referee wanting the doctor to check, as MJF declined. White hit two Dragon Screws, spat at Cole ringside and slapped on a Figure Four. Cole contemplated throwing in the towel and Taz brings up the first Full Gear and how MJF threw in the towel for Cody Rhodes. MJF reversed the hold, but White got the ropes. Cole wanted to use the ROH Tag Title on White, but he grabbed it from Cole and leveled MJF with the ref shoved away briefly, as MJF kicked out. MJF kicked away from White, who collided with referee Bryce for the bump.

Cole set the Dynamite Diamond Ring on the apron and told MJF to grab it, but White got to it first, was going to use it, only for MJF to hit a low blow. MJF got the ring as The Gunns hit the ring and were immediately dropped, as was White, who ate a loaded right hand. MJF hid the evidence, as the ref slowly counted the three and MJF retains.

MJF & Cole hugged before being helped up by security to the top of the ramp to end the show, saying this is All Elite Wrestling and he’s the World Champion.

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