“A source within the intelligence community” has leaked the government’s secret guidebook to how it adds names to and manages its controversial terrorist “watchlist” and was published in full by The Intercept on Wednesday. Reported by Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Devereaux, the 166-page document (pdf) issued by the National Counterterrorism Center—and titled “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance”—details … Continue reading "Source Leaks Secret Guidelines for US Government "Watchlist""
Read MoreDay: October 14, 2020
Supermarket Workers, Customers Join in 'Unprecedented' Uprising Against Corporate Greed
Click:Pyramid tea bag machine A family-feud over a New England supermarket chain is emerging as one of the most compelling labor fights of the summer as well as, observers note, a cautionary tale to corporate America about the value of treating one’s employees well. On Tuesday, thousands of employees of the Market Basket supermarket chain—from … Continue reading "Supermarket Workers, Customers Join in 'Unprecedented' Uprising Against Corporate Greed"
Read MoreYemeni Government's Payouts Evidence of Civilians Killed by US Drone Attack
Yemen’s government has paid more than $1 million in compensation to the families of civilians killed in a 2013 U.S. drone attack on a wedding convoy, according to documents released Monday. Yemen’s tacit admission that civilians were killed contradicts repeated claims by the Obama administration that U.S. strikes spare the innocent. Experts with UK-based charity … Continue reading "Yemeni Government's Payouts Evidence of Civilians Killed by US Drone Attack"
Read MoreAs Senate Dem Pushes Air Strikes on Syria, Experts Say 'No Military Solution'
Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) announced Tuesday he is planning to introduce a bill that would authorize the president to launch strikes on Syria, despite warnings that an expansion of the ongoing air war on neighboring Iraq would only make ISIS stronger and further embroil the region in violence. Nelson — senior member of the Senate … Continue reading "As Senate Dem Pushes Air Strikes on Syria, Experts Say 'No Military Solution'"
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